Core Application CORE APPLICATION Step 1 of 5 20% INSTRUCTIONS1. Answer all the questions.2. Very Important: When answering these questions, be yourself. There are no right or wrong answers. These questions are simply vehicles for us to learn who you are.3. Also Very Important: Rest assured that all information will be held in strict confidence by the parish Core Team. Here are a few important facts about being a member of the Core Team:• Team members must be out of secondary school, and 18+ years old**• Team members should possess the following qualities: a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, an unconditional love for teenagers, a love for the Catholic Church, regular participation in Sunday worship, a personal prayer life, freedom from serious sin, regular reading of Scripture, and openness to using the gifts of the Holy Spirit.• Team members must be open to training and completing all background checks and requirements set forth by the diocese.• Team members must continue to possess the above-mentioned qualities throughout the duration of their commitment. Team members are free at any time to unconditionally terminate their relationship as a Core Team member. At the same time, the ministry of Life Teen retains the option to ask you to step out of this ministry if it becomes clear to us that the Lord is not calling you to this specific ministry, or if mitigating circumstances make it unwise for you to continue in this ministry.APPLICANT'S INFORMATIONName(Required) First Last Address(Required) Street Address Suburb Post Code Email(Required) Mobile(Required)Date of Birth(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY EDUCATIONPlease check the one that applies to you and fill in the requested information. Leave blank those choices, which do not apply.Education(Required) Presently, I am in tertiary school. I graduated from tertiary school. I graduated from secondary school. EMPLOYMENTPlease document where you work.Business Name(Required)Mobile(Required)Job Title(Required)Your duties(Required)VOLUNTEER HISTORYPlease document your most recent volunteer experience.(A) Organisation's name(Required)Your duties(Required)Frequency of involvement (e.g., once a month, etc.)(Required)Do you currently volunteer here?(Required) Yes No Starting date:(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Ending date:(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Reason for leaving(Required)DIOCESAN / PARISH INVOLVEMENTPlease check all that apply to you and fill in the requested information. Leave blank those choices, which do not apply.I have...(Required) taught or assisted in a religious education program in my home parish/another parish assisted in a youth ministry/ Life Teen program in my post high school years. served as a lector, Eucharistic minister, alter server, and/or choir member at a parish. served in a parish or diocese in other capacities (i.e., coordinated or assisted with the parish festival, assisted in the parish or diocesan office, etc.) How often do you attend Mass?(Required) Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never AVAILABILITYPlease list any activities or commitments, which might prohibit you from being available on Friday nights or weekend. Please list dates and times of these commitments.(Required)How would you feel if, after having completed the application form, interview, and/or training for the Life Teen Core Team you were not selected?(Required)When would you be available to meet for an interview?(Required)CATHOLIC SPIRITUAL FORMATIONPlease check all that apply to you and fill in the requested information. Leave blank those choices, which do not apply.(Required) I am baptized. I was confirmed in the Catholic Church For the past 12 months, I have met my obligation of attending Sunday liturgy and Holy Days of obligation. I converted to Catholicism. I attended a Catholic school. I attended a Catholic college/university. Other than in school, I attended religious education classes. As a high school student, I participated in a Catholic youth ministry program. Other religious formation I received while growing up included (i.e., RENEW, RCIA, a non-Catholic but Christian education, a non-Catholic but Christian youth ministry program, Campus Crusade, etc.) Have you participated in any bible studies, religious education classes, Christian fellowship groups, etc., since you have been out of high school? If so, please elaborate…(Required)Are you considering, or have you considered a Religious Vocation?(Required) Yes No Do you accept the Church’s teaching on the Holy Eucharist?(Required)The Holy Eucharist is the real Presence (Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity) of Jesus Christ and that when one receives Holy Communion, Jesus comes into the heart to dwell. Yes, I accept this teaching No, I do not accept this teaching Do you accept the Church’s teaching on contraception?(Required)God designed conjugal love between a husband and wife to be a beautiful, selfless, total giving of one to the other, and is open to the transmission of life. Since acts of contraception are not selfless, not a total giving of one to the other and are not open to the transmission of life, contraception, which actually means “against conception” is inherently wrong. Yes, I accept this teaching No, I do not accept this teaching Do you accept the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of life?(Required)All life is sacred and each life from the moment of conception has a right to life, therefore abortion, or any other method of barring a new life from implanting in its mother’s womb or terminating a pregnancy is inherently wrong. Yes, I accept this teaching No, I do not accept this teaching Do you accept the Church’s teaching on papal infallibility?(Required)The Pope holds the keys of Saint Peter and Christ endowed the Church’s shepherds with the charism of infallibility in matters of faith and morals. When the Church through its supreme Magisterium proposes a doctrine “for belief as being divinely revealed, and as the teaching of Christ, the doctrine must be adhered to with the obedience of faith. Yes, I accept this teaching No, I do not accept this teaching Do you accept the Church’s teaching on pre-marital sex?(Required)God has exclusively given the gift of intercourse to those who have pledged their lives to one another in marriage as a way of fully giving oneself to the other, being fully open to the transmission of life should God so choose to bestow this blessing. Yes, I accept this teaching No, I do not accept this teaching Do you accept the Church’s teaching on the Immaculate Conception?(Required)The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin. Yes, I accept this teaching No, I do not accept this teaching WHAT ARE YOUR TALENTS?Please choose as many as applies to you(Required) Small Group Facilitator Public Speaking Leadership & Governance Resource / Programme Environment / Facilities Hospitality Social Media/Web Development AV / Photography & Videography First Aid Liturgy PERSONAL & SPIRITUAL HISTORYWrite a brief testimony about how you have come into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Include the sacraments that you have received:(Required)Describe three major ways in which you have grown in your spiritual journey.(Required)How would you describe your spiritual journey right now?(Required)What accountability do you currently have in your spiritual journey?(Required)What do you do when you have a conflict with someone? How do you handle confrontation?(Required)Are there any special issues or concerns happening in your life right now that would have an impact on your commitment and involvement in the youth ministry? (e.g., relationships, other commitments, etc.)(Required)What spiritual gifts do you feel you have, and how would you like to use them in the Youth Ministry?(Required)Why do you want to be involved in the Youth Ministry?(Required) SAFE ENVIRONMENTIn ministering to teens, we believe it is our responsibility to seek ministers that are able to provide healthy, safe, and spiritually sound ministry. You will need to complete the diocesan background checks and Safe Environment training in order to minister to teens All forms and class times will be provided for you. The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I, the undersigned, give my authorization to release any and all records or information relating to working with minors. Life Teen Ministries may contact my references and appropriate government agencies as deemed necessary in order to verify my suitability as a minister to the youth. I understand that the personal information in this application will be held confidential by the professional parish staff.Consent(Required) Digital SignatureToday's Date(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Δ “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.” – Ecclesiastes 4:9